Contact me +79993500946


Artem Dragunov
frontend web developer

Websites crafted with love


Fictional company that uses AI to create healthy diet and delivers food to customers door.
  • Landing page
  • Jonas Schmedtmann
  • Desktop-first


Fictional company that allows to participate in tours for groups of people.
  • Landing page
  • Jonas Schmedtmann
  • Desktop-first

Kurtis Classroom

Fictional educational movement that uses modern online-teaching gamification tools.
  • Landing page
  • CarlUX
  • Desktop-first


Fictional booking app that gives information, photos, reviews about the desired hotel.
  • Web application
  • Jonas Schmedtmann
  • Desktop-first


Website for lovers of chess, filled with exersices and materials for growth.
  • Web application
  • Artem Dragunov
  • Mobile-first

Carefully developed skillset

  • 01/ Modern HTML & CSS

    I know how to to create any creative and flexible design with modern Flexbox and Grid.

  • 02/ Web design

    Combining colors, typography, spacing and right images to create amazing results.

  • 03/ Responsive websites

    I can make your website look good at any screen of any device using media queries.

  • 04/ Organized code

    I always try my best to create cleanest and most stuctured code that is easy to maintain.